I hope to inspire and entertain you with a lot of sewing and a little of everything else!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Civil War Snowball Quilt Started

I think all the snow we've had lately made me want to do a quilting project. I decided to make a cozy quilt for the Civil War re-enactments Andy and I will be doing this season. I wanted something simple and fairly quick, traditional, and pretty. I decided to do a 9-patch/snowball block combo, which will look something like this beautiful quilt from Magpie Quilts:
I chose all my fabrics from my stash! So proud!! I didn't have to purchase any fabric and I'm even thinking about piecing the backing, which would really use up some yardage! So far, I have cut everything and stitched the strips and cut them into 3-square strips. I am planning to make a twin-size quilt, 7 blocks x 11 blocks.
Here are the pieces so far. My fabrics are not necessarily period-correct, but they are reasonable. I didn't want to spend a fortune on this first attempt.
I'm trying to finish this quickly, so back with progress soon! It's another snow day here, so I may even get to work on it today.

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