I hope to inspire and entertain you with a lot of sewing and a little of everything else!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Snow Fall

Yes, that's Fall as in Autumn. It is snowing here in Northern New England!! Ughh. I am not ready for snow before Halloween. I am sure it will melt by tomorrow morning, but REALLY!!
I digitized another vintage image and I finished crocheting a hat, so I'll be back soon with photos.
To my several friends who are reading from Florida, I may be hopping on a plane to come visit if this keeps up!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

...and the Little White Dress

This is one of the little dresses that I bought at the flea market along with the romper in the previous post.
It is a beautiful, fine batiste and washed well, but for 2 brown spots on the yoke. The construction techniques are interesting, too.

 The yoke detail shows you that it is constructed with regular seams. There is no entredeux used at the seams and they are not French seams. I'd say this dress is a size 2 or 3.
Look at the gorgeous feather stitching! I also like the polka dot Swiss trim. This dress has a really nice mix of laces and embroideries and a very balanced design. I ironed it and put it on my little dress form for these pictures, but it looks so nice in my entryway that I've left it there for now.

I hope you've enjoyed these 2 flea market finds. This is my post for White Wednesday at Faded Charm.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fabulous Flea Market Find

A few weekends ago, my Mom, my kids, and I rented a table at a local flea market. I did pretty well getting rid of some things and so did my Mom. While we were there, we also walked around to look at what other people were selling. I walked by a table with a messy pile of old baby clothes. I noticed a white lacy dress and put it aside. Then I found a yellow boy's romper. I asked the lady how much and she said the dress was $15 and she might have more in her van. She brought out a trash bag of vintage baby clothes, most in poor condition. I found 5 treasures in the bunch: 2 white French dresses and 3 rompers. I told her I would like to buy them but I only had $16 in cash. She said, "give me your money and take them." Yahoo! When I got home I soaked them in Biz and they came out pretty nice. This blue and white romper is my favorite of the bunch and is the perfect size for Andy! I haven't had a chance to photograph him in it, but I did get these pictures while he was napping today. The yoke has hand-whipped tucks with a touch of embroidery and a little ruffle detail on the collar and pockets. I also like the buttoned belt. On Wednesday, I will show you one of the little French dresses.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Baby Floral Embroidered Blanket

I had a little free time today after the kids got home from school. I felt like doing a little sewing, but nothing too complicated. I am a "tester" for Juli at Sew Weird. She does the most beautiful vintage designs. I have used many of hers already and have a bunch more that I want to use! This pretty floral frame will be available at Sew Weird soon. I added the word Baby in the center and stitched it on the corner of a 40" square of white flannel. I plan to bind the edge with pink gingham to make a feminine baby blanket. I think this will make a nice gift!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Adopted Jane and My Introduction to Heirloom Sewing

Andy is much better today and last night we actually got some sleep! Hooray!
 Today I will tell you about one of my favorite books: Adopted Jane by Helen Fern Daringer. I first discovered this book when I was about 8 years old, but I have read it again and again over the years and still enjoy it as an adult! This book is about Jane, a little girl who has grown up in an orphanage. She visits a wonderful lady for a month and experiences what being part of a family means. I say this book was my introduction to heirloom sewing because it has wonderful descriptions of dresses and fabrics. I always pictured what they might look like when I was reading. This book was written in 1947, but I think it takes place around 1910 because automobiles were still a novelty. 
 "I wish to see some dresses," Mrs. Thurman told the clerk, "something simple, I think: pique or linen, if you have it." They chose "a blue and white one, a pink plaid gingham, a linen with pink pearl buttons on the pockets, and the beautiful white dimity trimmed with tucks and Valenciennes insertion." They decide to have Jane's dresses made by a visiting dressmaker instead. "Alice White was coming to sew, and she might as well make something for Jane too. 

 There was pink striped gingham, and light blue pique. There was yellow chambray with lace for trimming. (Mrs. Thurman called it Irish crochet, but it was different from the lace Matron and Miss Fink crocheted.) And to make Jane's thoughts dance even faster with delight, there was white organdy with a pink taffeta sash."
 Here are some pictures of dresses that little girls wore in Jane's time. If you have never read this book, give it a try. It's great for girls from 7-107. Adopted Jane

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We've Been Coxsackied

I haven't been able to post, because baby Andy has been sick. Just recovered from his first ear infection, he got coxsackie virus last Friday. He has been miserable and we haven't had much sleep, but he is doing much better now. I have several things to share, so I hope to be back with some sewing tomorrow!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Another Vintage Design...by ME!

I finished digitizing another vintage embroidery. I really love this one. It took me about 3 hours to do, but I am totally happy with it! I embroidered it on a nice kitchen towel. I am enjoying Embird so much. Next I have to learn how to do filled and applique designs.

My Mom, the kids, and I had a table at a flea market today. We sold quite a bit and I bought a small bag of vintage baby clothes. I'll be back to share them with you after they get their Biz treatment.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I Digitized a Vintage Baby

The other night, my baby went to sleep early and I spent a little time on my laptop digitizing this baby.
Overall, I think it turned out well. I am unhappy with the eyes and the hands. The original picture I was using had a row of children and this little boy was holding a big sister's hand, so his hands are supposed to show the knuckles curled around another hand or his bear. I also think the skin color is too light and friends have commented that the hair is too sparse- sort of Charlie Brown baby!
Anyway, I am learning a lot and having tons of fun. I'm trying to pick a kitchen type vintage design for my next attempt.
Meanwhile, I am testing Ellie Inspired's Dapper Lad vest pattern this weekend. I am planning to make Davy's size in fabric to match the vintage romper I've been working on for Andy. The pattern looks really cute! I am hoping to have a nice chunk of time to get some sewing done this weekend.

Monday, October 3, 2011

My First Digitizing!

Hubby bought me the digitizing module for Embird for our anniversary yesterday. I took my laptop upstairs after the kids went to bed and ran through a redwork tutorial. Then I spent about 30 minutes digitizing this simple elephant by myself! I think it turned out great for my first try and I already learned a lot! What do you think?