I hope to inspire and entertain you with a lot of sewing and a little of everything else!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Spiderman "Morning" Pants

Poor neglected blog. We are on vacation right now, so I'll post about that later.
Last week, I went to JoAnn's to look at backings for the Civil War Quilt, which is going splendidly. I had little Andy with me and he screamed with glee: "Spiderman fabric! Can we get some? I want some pants!" It was a soft flannel print, which would make nice PJs, so I asked him, "do you want me to make you some pajama pants?" His answer: "no, I want some morning pants." Well, I whipped them up and they have been morning, afternoon, and evening pants. He is barely willing to take them off to be washed!
The pattern is Peek a Boo Patterns Castaway Cargos, which I purchased last week on intro. It is going to be one of my favorite patterns, I can tell. Sizes from NB-12, pants or shorts, and best of all is the knit waistband.
In our house, we call it the "maternity waistband" and we all love it. For a potty-trained toddler, it is perfect for quick changes and so comfy!!

Here's a good back-view of the waistband.
These pants took less than an hour to make, from printing the pattern to wearing them. LEGIT, as my kids would say! And, they fit perfectly!!
Can't wait to make more!!

On another note, we have had our fill of THIS. I am so ready for spring!!

 Even Bennie, Shelly, and Blackie are wondering where the grass is!


Unknown said...

So very cute. I just printed out my pattern so I can make some up for my boys. How old is your son, and what size did you make up for him? He looks about the same size as my 3 yr old.

Elisabeth Rose said...

Hi Kerrielee,
My little boy is 3 1/2, about 42" tall and 40lbs. I made size 4 and they are great.

Janice said...

Morning pants! I love it! The pants are so kid/boy pleasing that I think I'll get the pattern for my boys. Don't you love it when your children love something you've made for them? Thanks for the inspiration, Lisa.

Elisabeth Rose said...

Yes, I am thrilled when my kids want me to sew for them. This pattern is definitely a must-have! Thanks for your comment!
