The dances were reel and waltzs, most often done in "sets" where the men and women formed lines with men on one side, women on the other. Some were hard to catch on to, but others were quite easy and fun! There was even a complicated "march" where all the couples marched around the room, weaving and combining in lines as we went.
There was a young lady "calling" the dances and instructing them, so that we would know what to do. Once the music began, each dance lasted 10 to 15 minutes, quite different from today's 3 or 4 minute tunes!
I love this picture I captured of a young man hubby nicknamed "the young Thomas Jefferson" (no, the girl is not short- the young man was about 7 feet tall!). We had fun deciding who the various dancers reminded us of.
Here's a view of the ballroom. The live musicians were to the right on a stage. It was a really fun time and something I would like to try again. Now, to start on a Civil War era gown!!
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