Friday, September 23, 2011


Hi Friends,
I was just looking over the past couple of weeks' pictures and I realized why I haven't had time to post what I've been up to...because I've been so busy! We recently joined our local Y and I've been taking the kids there 2 or 3 nights a week plus on Sunday. We went to my Hubby's company picnic last weekend, we went apple-picking, and to Old Home Days for our town. The kids have been busy with friends, school, clubs, etc. We are having a lot of fun; we just don't have much free time. I'm sure you can relate!
Getting up at 5:45 to get the kids ready for school has its rewards. I had this beautiful sunrise out my back window this week!
The little bit of stitching I have done has been in "bits and pieces". I completed a varsity feltie embroidered shirt for my daughter last night, but she wore it to school today, so I don't have any pictures.
I have been organizing my fabric. A friend on Martha Pullen forum suggested a way to fold the fabric and store it in bins. I tried it and it's wonderful. I can see exactly what I have.
These bins are shallow (about 4" deep) and the fabric is folded like fat quarters. I have 2 bins nearly full and probably will fill 2 or 3 more. This should inspire me to get stitching!!
I also started sewing the 1919 romper. I need to get this finished, because I signed up to test the Ellie Inspired vest pattern, which should arrive any day, and I plan to make it for Davy to match this romper for Andy.
I also spent a few minutes crocheting a baby cap. Busy Mom Designs is having a crochet it forward offer, so I decided to participate. This little cap is made from worsted weight yarn and only took about 1/2 hour. I have donated it to a local baby charity.
Well, I hope to get more things completed soon! Have a great weekend!


  1. I've been working on a dress for Ellie Insprired this past week, which reminds me, I need to post a pic of what the smocking looks like on the dress front. I should be done with smocking today. Laura is so inspiring, don't ya think? You're one busy, busy girl!

  2. Jan, Please do post a picture of your dress. I'd love to see it! Yes, I am busy...but it's all fun. I am blessed to be home with my kids. Thanks for your comment!!


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