Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kit & Ruthie

When Kit the American Girl movie came out in the summer of 2008, the girls and I had a tea party for some of our friends. I made dresses for both girls to match the style of Kit's birthday dress and Ruthie's meet me dress.
For Kit's dress, I started with an A-line sloper and made a simple zip-back dress. I cut the front in 2 pieces and made a scalloped edge on one side with piping. I overlapped them and stitched most of the way down. The collar is an antique that I had bought on ebay. I found the fabric at Joann's and it seemed like a good 30s style print at a low price.
For Ruthie's dress, I made a blouse and skirt. It actually buttons down the front and the skirt has a simple elastic waist.
I also made aprons for everyone who came to the tea party. I used fabrics and trims I had on hand. I didn't use any patterns, just gathered and added waistbands. I had so much fun making aprons for a few weeks. These are the aprons that are featured on a clothesline for my avatar! In some other post, I'll show them in more detail.
We had a great time at the tea party on our porch. We used china and silver and had fresh flowers. I just watched the Kit movie the other day and remembered our tea party. I hope the girls have great memories of that day!

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