Friday, August 22, 2014

Polka-dotty Quilt

I have not posted much lately. Partly because I haven't done much sewing and partly because we've been busy with other things. My kiddos go back to school next week, so maybe I'll have more time to get things done- or maybe not!
I started this quilt a few months ago as part of my "sewing school." My friend Carrie wants to learn to quilt, so we were each working on a single Irish chain baby quilt. I had set it aside, because we hadn't had a chance to work on it over the summer. BUT I found out that a friend of mine is having a baby boy around Christmas, so I thought maybe I'll finish it as a gift.
We are at the beach right now, so I brought this along to work on.
The single Irish chain pattern is very simple. Just 9-patches alternating with solid blocks. The top picture shows how the "chain" looks. The blocks aren't all finished yet or sewn together. I think I have enough blocks to make the finished quilt 7 blocks wide and 8 blocks long, which would be a good size for a baby.
I'm thinking of backing it with red flannel to make it really cozy.
I hope I will have more sewing (or something) to share soon!!

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