Sunday, July 6, 2014

Ella's Ballerina Bubble

Happy 4th of July! Hope you had a good old-fashioned, patriotic family holiday. We had about 30 people here for a cookout in the pouring rain! It was fun anyway!
Today we got to see our little buddy Ella. I was able to quickly machine embroider a knit bubble for her. Her Mom was great to try it on so I could get pictures!

I started with this soft green knit bubble from Martha Pullen. I got it at one of their super sales and I sure wish I had bought more! This is a size 2. The knit is wonderful and the front is a faux-dress, so there is a layer of soft knit behind the embroidery.
The back is just the elastic legs, but the front has the little dress overlay. Snaps at the back and crotch will make it easy to get dressed.
The design is the 4x4 faux-smocked ballerinas by Just Sew Pretty. I left off one of the borders to make it simpler. I think it's a cute little girl design.

Ella likes her new bubble and it looks so cute!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this sweet bubble. Ella is sooo cute! I bought a few of these really nice bubbles and have loved the quality and versatility of them. What a nice little project!


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