Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Coffee Goody Bag

My little boy wanted to bring a little present in for his teacher's birthday this week. I picked a few in-the-hoop projects that I thought would be nice and Davy chose this coffee mug goody bag.
This design is from Embroidery Garden: Tea, Cocoa, and Coffee Pouches.
I like all 3 of the designs. This one originally had 3 different fabrics, but I made it with 2 because I wanted to show more of the hippo fabric. Davy's teacher loves hippos.
There is a zipper at the top to put the "treats" in. We added cider, coffee, and tea bags. It makes a really nice little gift.
This week, I am finishing Andy's Civil War shirt and pants, putting together a charity baby quilt, and I need to make a romper for the "Flip this Pattern" series at Frances Suzanne! I have a lot to do!!

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