Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A True Scrap Quilt

I am so excited about finishing the piecing and backing for the little Civil War Quilt. The pinwheel blocks were made from the cut-away triangles from the Big Civil War Quilt! I made them go further by alternating them with solid blocks, each about 4" square. Then I added a border, which brought the quilt up to 36x45". This just happened to be the exact size of some packages of batting I got on clearance for 97 cents, so this was truly using up bits.

You might notice basting stitches on here because I took the picture after layering it for quilting.

Here is the back, which I had to piece because I was really down to little pieces of the fabrics I used! I had 3 9-patch blocks left over from the big quilt, so I added them to the back. I love it!!
I bought some tan quilting thread and a leather thimble, so I am ready to hand-quilt this. It will be the biggest thing I have ever done by hand. The other 2 were mini-quilts. I have no idea how long it will take, but then I will just have to bind it with a red plaid I have set aside. This has been a really fun project!!

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