Thursday, July 11, 2013

Off to the Testers!

My next pattern, "Carolyn's Pinafore" is off to the testers. I have learned so much as I have done the computer work for this. I am really happy with it so far and I think you will like it, too! Here's a more casual version that I made to photograph for directions:
It can be smocked or unsmocked and has many options for trim and ties. I can't commit to a release date, because "life gets in the way!" but it's in the works.


  1. Yaaaay!!! Very excited for this one :)

  2. Please tell me this is available. I would love to make one for my little girl before she gets to big.

  3. Misty, I got so busy with my kids that I didn't get to finish it. Hoping to get back to it very soon!!


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