Saturday, February 23, 2019

Valentine Kitchen Combo: Hearts & Chocolate

I absolutely love cross-stitch  by machine! It is so easy and you really can't tell it wasn't done by hand.  This pretty heart was stitched on a white kitchen towel with a red striped border.

I combined it with a chocolate brown cotton knitted dishcloth that I made. I have made several of these and I thought this set made a nice gift for a friend.

Do you like them??

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Happy Valentine's Pencils

It was a long January, but hopefully spring is coing and more sewing and fun things are ahead! These emoji pencil toppers were for Andy to give with his Valentine cards.

I got this design  for $1 at Ronel's. It has 8 different faces, but we chose 4 and I combined them to stitch 12 at  once in my 200x300 hoop. What a joy to have the large hoops!! In just 2 rounds I had 24 toppers done. I trimmed and glued  them to some fun pencils. I think they look great! Best of all, Andy liked them and so did his classmates!