Friday, June 8, 2018

Cute Cat Coordinates

I have a friend whose grand-daughter loves cats and clothes with cats. When I found some cute cat fabric, I thought I'd make something fun.

I found 2 coordinating fabrics in my stash: green dot pique and turquoise pique. I bought some yellow rick rack and ribbon too.

The swing top is Pickle Toes Tulip Tie Top. I turned the facing to the outside to give it some interest and I faced the ties with the green also. The rick rack was tucked into the facing seam and used at the hem. The rick rack gives the hem some body.

This is a closer view of the rick rack peeking out. The cats are enjoying a rainy, windy day, but the colors of this print are all sunshine!

The shorts pattern is Cole's Corner Ruched Shorts. Both top and shorts are size 5. These shorts are very easy to make and the way the ribbon casing is stitched leaves very nicely finished seams inside. I added a loop of ribbon to the back of the waistband for easier dressing. I would recommend both these patterns for quick, easy, and fun sewing!

The word on the street is that the little girl receiving this will love it!! I hope so. I had a great time making it and now I can add 2 more pattern to my "completed" list!