Monday, April 27, 2015

Gorgeous Vintage Bibs

I am always amazed by the hand work ladies used to find time to do. They had so much work to do and still managed to hand-stitch things for their families. Imagine spending hours and hours just to crochet a bib!
I found these 2 beauties for $2.50 each. Maybe they were made as a newborn gift or for a baby's baptism.
I love the bullion roses on this one and the pretty scalloped edging.

This one is pretty, too, with the ribbon woven through.

Can you imagine creamed spinach on these??

Back soon with the Pinafore Pattern!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Shadow Work by Machine OR Third Time Lucky

I did something fun yesterday. My first try at shadow work by machine! I am making my fifth pinafore test sample and I decided to use a little embroidery on the yoke. I had admired the gorgeous shadow work designs available at Applique for Kids, so I thought I'd give it a try.
Here are my three tries. The design stitched perfectly every time, BUT...
For the first one (top) I cut the yoke before embroidering and it wasn't centered. Ugg. Then I thought maybe I'd prefer a pink bow, so I did it again. It was centered, but the pink barely shows up. (Photo is enhanced- it's lighter in real life). The third one is my favorite- blue bow with yellow flowers.
These colors are more realistic- see how the pink is too light? I stitched these with my few colors of DMC cotton 50 wt and the bobbin is Madeira 80 wt cotona. I didn't want to use shiny rayon for this. The fabric is 100% cotton Martha's Favorite Batiste.
I was afraid to try this, because you have to stitch the "shadow" first on a layer of permanent stabilizer or sheer fabric. However, it couldn't have been easier! I want to try more of the beautiful Shadow Work from Applique for Kids!!
I'm putting finishing touches on the Pinafore Pattern, which should be ready around May 1!!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Chicken Pincushion Treat

My Quilt Guild had a potluck recently and our hostess made an awesome favor for each of us: a chicken pincushion. It was especially appropriate for me, since I have pet chickens. Everyone in the Guild laughs about that.
She made one for each of us: 18 in all! I chose the yellow one in front. We just had to fill them with walnut hulls and stitch closed- that's why the others look so skinny. These are made of squares, some of them folded.

This is my chicken Shelly and she thinks you should make one!
  I found a tutorial on youtube if you want to try one:

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter 2015

I haven't posted in a week. Not because I wasn't sewing, but because I have been very busy. I am almost done with the "Pinafore" pattern and I'm very excited to show you how adorable it is!! Sneak peek at the end of the post.
Easter was great-here's a picture Andy (4) made for the Easter bunny:
That's him with the Easter Bunny and there are colored eggs all around!

We decorated eggs with friends this week, too:
Easter is the only time I have bought eggs in 2 years (because we can't dye brown or blue eggs). The funky orange one was dyed over one of our blue eggs.

We did egg hunts at home and at my parents' house:
My Mom is a wonderful host: delicious food and beautiful surroundings. The table was special with antique china, little flower pots, and a Madeira tablecloth we bought on our honeymoon.
 There was a cake from our favorite bakery:
I tell you, this cake is so good, it could start a riot for the last piece.

Remember to go get your free Bunny Girl and Boy embroideries on my Patterns Group if you haven't yet, because I'll be posting a new freebie soon:
Here's a sneak peek of one of the pinafores I made to test the pattern: I absolutely love it!!