Thursday, March 27, 2014

Quilting a FACE

I am participating in a Block Swap at my Quilt Guild. Each month we make a block for another person in the group. This month is a very creative and fun one, but hard, too! We are to make a face! I digitized an appliqued face from a picture of Andy. Then I added some shading with fabric markers.
I still need to finish the edges of the shirt (where it was bigger than my hoop). I think it looks pretty good, but much older than 3 years.
Here's the block made by the person who will get this quilt:
She combined piecing and hand embroidery. Cool, huh?
And the others:

I really like this one. She has a lot of personality!
This one is amazing. It is based on a photo of the creator's grand-daughter. Isn't she pretty?

Friday, March 21, 2014

FREE Chicken Feltie Machine Embroidery Design!!

Hi Everyone,
A friend on my Facebook Patterns Group requested the Chicken Feltie design I did. I just posted it to the Files area. Just click on the Sunsuit or Bonnet Pattern picture on the right sidebar to join the group. After you join, go to "Files" on the banner.
This file is for the chicken, not the clip cover.
Hoop a piece of felt in your 4x4 hoop.
Stitch all colors except the final color. This will be 1. Beak,  2. Comb, 3. Eye, 4. Wing.
Now add another piece of felt to the BACK.
Stitch the final color: outline.
Remove from hoop and trim close to stitching.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bits and Pieces

It has been a crazy couple of weeks.

The girls both had this:

Then Rosie was in this:

Now she is on a class trip here for the week:

Katie is learning to:


I took the little boys here:

 and they had a friend:

I have been organizing the house, too. Did I mention it's been:

I did do a little of this:

I made 35 of these:
They are made from the triangles I clipped when I made the snowball blocks for the Civil War Quilt. Each pinwheel is not even 4" square, so I plan to alternate them with solid squares to make a small quilt for Andy.

Tomorrow should be a quiet day...except for:

Yeah, looks like another boring day.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Civil War Quilt...Bordering on Done!

I am thrilled that my Civil War Quilt is nearly done! I finished the top this weekend. The borders are cut and I have all the squares to make up the patchwork backing cut, too! I managed to find enough of the fabrics I used to cut all of this. I figure I used up about 12 yards from my stash!! A few dozen more quilts and it will make a dent! The backing will be (12) 2 foot squares. I think it will be pretty and practical. Many of the plaids and homespuns I used were free from my quilt guild, so this was really an inexpensive project.
After I give this to my Mom for hand-quilting, I will move on to more "morning pants" for Andy and Easter outfits! Have you started on Easter outfits yet?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Civil War Quilt...Progress!

I have the first three rows of my quilt done and I have finished making all the blocks!
This is how wide it will be, 7 blocks across. So far, only 3 rows are stitched together, but it will be 11 rows altogether. I am aiming for approximately a twin size, once I add borders. I am going to try to find enough scraps of these fabrics to make a pieced backing, too. I feel really happy about using up some of the fabric in my stash. I love the way it looks so far. I bought the "tea-colored" muslin because I know this quilt will be outside and will probably get dirty. I am relieved that the other fabrics are dark enough to make the pattern evident even with the darker muslin. Back soon with more to show!